告朔の餽羊(きよう。キは食偏+氣) Kokusaku no kiyou.

  • 解釈:祖廟に供える生贄の牛のこと。古くからの習慣や年中行事は廃絶してはならないとのたとえ。「告朔」は古代中国で、諸侯が天子から受けた暦を祖廟に納め、朔日毎にその月の暦を発布する儀式。
  • Literal:A long time ago and the sheep was offered on ancestral spirit as sacrifice at the time of the ceremony held by ancient China when promulgating a calendar.
  • Interpretation:Confucius regretted this ceremony and opposed abolishing it. If harmless, you should save a longtime custom and annual event.
  • 類義:
GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.